Diagnostic Biomarkers
A biomarker used to detect the presence of a disease or identify a subtype of the disease.
Predictive Biomarkers
A biomarker used to predict patients who are more likely to experience a favorable or unfavorable outcome.
Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers
A biomarker used to study the molecular, biochemical, and physiologic effects of therapeutics.
Cellular Electrophysiology Biomarkers
The data derived from MEAs creates precise biomarkers of cellular firing characteristics, axonal conduction, functional network connectivity, and other metrics. Cellular electrophysiological biomarkers improve diagnosis of patients by quantifying abnormalities of cell function and advance the development of therapeutics by utilizing novel methods to quantify pharmacodynamics.
Genomics and Other Biomarker Classes
The data derived from genomics and other methods allow precise quantification of the patient’s systems biology. These methods facilitate objective diagnosis, an understanding of the clinical severity, and augment treatment decisions for patient’s with a genetic-based neurological disorder.
There are several other classes of biomarkers that the NeuroDetect Bioprofiler is equipped to analyze and interpret including other omic data and gold standard measures such as EEG and brain imaging.